Monday, March 17, 2008

Ethan's Bar Mitzvah at the Terrace in the Sky in NYC

Ethan's Bar Mitzvah was totally cool and so much fun. These kids really got into it and had a blast. Ethan was a cool dude and so were his brother and sister. The Cohen kids love to have fun and be silly but are also very smart and witty. Ethan was very scholary during the ceremony but knew hoe to let lose during the party and have fun with his friends. Also, Ethan's dad Dan is a cool musician which seems to run in there family as well.

Ethan is a kid of many faces. He loved the camera and knew how to have fun with it.

Ethan and his older brother doing a little disco limbo pre-ceremony.

I wasn't kidding about the Cohen kids.
Ethan's younger sister doing her thing before the ceremony.

The ceremony was also held at the Terrace in the Sky and it was beautiful. Ethan was the man and did a great job especially with his dvar torah. The kid has skills!

After Ethan's dvar Torah his Dan gave him the biggest hug a dad can give his son. What a pround moment that was.

Dan the Man was also got into it during the party with the kids. Dan was working it! You go Dan!

And of course, the horah and Ehtan was living it up!

Ah, those silly kids. Love them!
This was a serious party and these kids knew how to do it up. They had a blast!
Many thanks to the Cohen family for allowing me to be a part of Ethan's special day. I had a blast despite not feeling to well that day. Mazel Tov!

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