Friday, September 7, 2007

Queenee & Brian - August 3, 2007

This was another wedding that was extremely special to me. I have personally known Queenee for a very long time through my lovely wife. They've known each other since elementary school
and have an awesome friendship. I've also known Brian for sometime as well and we've had some funny moments from hanging out. This was a great wedding at a venue in Conneticut, the Simsbury 1820 House. It was also great because I got to see many friends and family of Queenee's who I've met over the years. It was great to see all of you! And of course I was joined by my good colleague David Meilcarek as well as Monika Broz. It was an awsome time and just a beautiful wedding despite the heat. They were both troopers and great to work with.

Let's take a look at some of the days images, starting with the venue and of course with Queenee's bridal prep. The dress was beautiful and the fun started early. Monika worked with me during the bridal prep.

This is one of my favorite's because the fan that Gladys is using to cool Queenee down with looks just like an iPOD. It was totally cool!

Here are some images from Queenee's bridal portraits. Absolutely stunning! You go GIRL!


While Monika and I were working with Queenee and the girls David was doing his thing with Brian and the guys.

While we were finishing up David, who's always looking for moments to capture, found the girls having some fun.

Another favorite!

Here are a few of Queenee and Brian during their session. It was a hot & humid August day but they were up for the challenge. With three photographers we were able to get cool angles. This one is courtesy of David.

This great images of the Queenee and Brian walking down the hill was captured by Monika.

Love this image that Monika captured.

There was some construction near the venue and we took advantge of the opportunity to get some cool stuff! Always looking for cool places to get different images.

Courtesy of David.

I went inside to get some shots of cocktail hour and David and Monika were still working with Queenee and Brian. Great, great shot David and Monika.

This moment was right after Queenee's dad made his toast to the wonderful couple.

The first dance.

These are Queenee's girls who she grew up with and have been friends ever since and pretty much for life. O' girls just wanna have fun! Their version of Charlie's Angels! Group shoot!

Leina and her dad having some fun on the dance floor. You go Mr. Minakawa!

And of course can't forget about the details. Here are a few.

Queenee and Brian thank you for a super time and a wonderful wedding. The both of you are just truly great individuals and even a greater couple. I wish you guys nothing but the best. It was a honor to photograph your wedding. It was great seeing everyone at the wedding!


Queenee said...

Jose, thank you so much for these wonderful pictures! I love them. :) You, David and Monika really did a fantastic job. Believe it or not, I'm speechless. Thank you again - Queenee

Anonymous said...

The pictures are amazing. They are so beautiful. Your attention to detail, as well as David's and Monika's, produced images that were extremely unique and captivating. The pictures brought me back to the day of the wedding. You guys did a great job. Thank you for capturing the special moments of the day and making my sister's and Brian's wedding a memorable one.

Anonymous said...


The pictures left us speechless. Every one you took are captivating in a unique way. We want to thank you for the picutures of our daughters. You truly have captured their young spirit and happiness.

Thank you,

Greg, Judy, Emily and Madison Scott

Anonymous said...

Jose, we enjoyed looking at queenee's wedding pictures. You created a very memorable image of of our little girl to a very beautiful bride w/ her husband. My friends here in Las Vegas said, they only see such pictures in magazines. Thank you for the memories. Queenee's Mom & Dad

Anonymous said...

Beautiful pics! Too bad she's a homewrecker!!!